I just have to share this, because I am so tickled with how he came out. My daughter's birthday party is on Saturday and it's a Valentine/birthday theme. Her invitations were owls, so we are trying to incorporate owls into the party too. My paper mache' pinata didn't work (the balloon deflated) so I decorated a large cereal box and with the help of the cricut and crepe paper, here are how it turned out. I don't know if I'll ever mess with paper mache' again... 

Your owl turned out great! But I'd hate to see you give up on paper mache. It's a great medium. I always advise against balloons partly because they have a tendency to pop. Just crumple the paper into a ball next time and mache it.
Still, you made something nice out of a mistake. The sign of a true artist!
any how to instructions for the owl
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